The Purpose Of Our Organization

Vaccine Choice Canada (formerly VRAN) continues the work of The Committee Against Compulsory Vaccination who, in 1982, challenged Ontario’s compulsory ‘Immunization of School Pupils Act’, and brought about an amendment to the Act which guarantees an exemption of conscience from any ‘required’ vaccine.
In response to growing parental concern regarding the safety of current vaccination programs in use in Canada, Vaccine Choice Canada serves as a public information and resource group. We are committed to protecting young child health from the known risks of vaccines currently in use and those being developed for future use in Canada by informing parents of the components of vaccines, the risks, and possible long-term effects.
Adverse reactions, and contraindications to vaccines are disclosed on product inserts, supplied by the manufacturers, and must be made available on request by medical personnel prior to administering any vaccine. Since the 1940’s, DPT vaccine has been implicated in shock, collapse, convulsions, brain inflammation, and death within hours or days. Hepatitis B vaccine is now being linked with a significant increase in diabetes, along with other vaccines. Early polio vaccines were contaminated with monkey viruses that have been linked to the development of tumours and cancers.
In Canada, although there are no mandatory vaccination laws, some institutions such as health care facilities are enacting policies that penalize workers who refuse the flu vaccine, and threaten to suspend employees without pay during an outbreak. These coercive policies violate the most basic human right, and fundamental medical ethic, the individual’s right to “voluntary informed consent” when considering any medical procedure.
Although some provinces have enacted legislation requiring certain vaccines be given children for school entry, these laws also contain exemption clauses that allow parents to opt out of vaccination programs for reasons of conscience, religion, or medical reasons. Two provinces in Canada have specific school entry laws – Ontario and New Brunswick. Exemption forms can be obtained from any local health unit or from our Exemptions page. Parents are advised to know their rights, as it is common for health authorities to use the threat of excluding unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children from school. Such threats are without foundation, and are also in violation of Informed Consent laws, which prohibit the use of threats or coercion of any kind to force a medical procedure on any person.

Statement Of Purpose

  1. Promote health among Canadians by assisting parents to make fully informed and voluntary healthcare choices concerning vaccinations.
  2. Develop and distribute publications and resource materials regarding vaccination safety for the benefit of the general public; and
  3. Provide support to individuals and families who have suffered adverse reactions to vaccines.
  4. Protect the individual’s rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Canadian Constitution, including the right to freedom of conscience, religion, and security of the person and the right to bodily sovereignty and psychological integrity.

