Who We Are and What We Do

Vaccine Choice Canada is a federally registered not-for-profit educational society dedicated to helping families make voluntary, fully informed, and health-conscious choices about vaccination. VCC receives no government/corporate funding and is solely supported by membership and donations. Contact VCC to learn about vaccines, how to protect your family from vaccine injury, and join the family of Canadians working together to protect our rights and freedoms.
Vaccine Choice Canada is volunteer run and formed in response to growing parental concern regarding the safety of current vaccination programs in Canada.  We serve as a public information and resource group committed to protecting children from the known risks of vaccines currently in use and those being developed for future use in Canada by providing information about the components of vaccines, side effects, and possible long-term health effects.
We are a national organization with members across Canada, many of whom have children who have suffered a broad spectrum of vaccine reactions and injuries, including neurodevelopmental injuries and death following vaccination.
Our mandate is to empower families to make educated, voluntary, and informed decisions about vaccination, to support people in their right to health freedom, and to maintain and further the individual’s freedom from enforced medication. A growing number of health care practitioners, both physicians and practitioners of alternative medicine, support our mandate to provide parents and legal guardians with full disclosure of the risks associated with vaccines before the decision to vaccinate is made.
Vaccine Choice Canada (formerly VRAN) continues the work of the Committee Against Compulsory Vaccination (formed in Ontario in 1982) whose successful lobby efforts (1982-84) culminated in amendment of the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA). The Act guarantees vaccine exemption rights for reasons of conscience and religion to all children, from day nursery age through high school in Ontario. Both the Immunization of School Pupils Act (section 3) and the Day Nurseries Act (section 33 of Regulation 262 issued under the Act) extend to parents the legal right to exempt their children from vaccinations.
We act as a “watchdog” society and identify government and health officials’ violations of informed consent laws vis a vis vaccination. For example, health units in Ontario send vaccine demand letters to parents through the school system threatening children with exclusion from school if vaccine records are incomplete, but consistently fail to inform parents of their right to legal exemption from vaccines under the Immunization of School Pupils Act. Through our solicitor in Ontario, we initiated a demand to the Medical Officer of Health and the Minister of Health to uphold their obligation to comply with informed consent laws, and to clearly inform the public of legally available exemptions from vaccination in all vaccine related materials circulated to the public.
We offer support and guidance to parents whose children have suffered adverse reactions and injuries from vaccines and help link people to resources and health practitioners who treat vaccine injuries. Our work is often at the grassroots level, communicating with parents on a one-to-one basis, helping to clarify their right to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccines for their children. We respond to questions about vaccine risks, provide information packages and help direct people to the numerous sources of information about vaccines and associated health problems.
Vaccine Choice Canada maintains this website to provide a national and international overview of the vaccine issue with links to the many vaccine information consumer groups around the world: Best Vaccine Websites.
