Dear NB School Superintendents, Trustees, Principals and Teachers

Dear NB School Trustees, Superintendents, Principals and Teachers
We are writing to bring to your attention issues that are causing grave concern to the families in New Brunswick’s education system. We wish to ensure that you recognize the significance of these issues and their impact on the rights and freedoms of citizens of New Brunswick.
The New Brunswick government recently introduced Bill 11 An Act Respecting Proof of Immunization. Bill 11 mandates indiscriminate vaccine compliance for school attendance and eliminates all non-medical exemptions. Bill 11 effectively denies a public education, guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to children whose parents have chosen to vaccinate selectively or on a delayed vaccine schedule.
Bill 11 also includes the ‘notwithstanding clause’. The use of the notwithstanding clause is a clear acknowledgement by the proponents of this legislation that Bill 11 violates rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Bill 11 violates our right to security of the person, conscience and belief, and equal treatment under the law. Bill 11 also violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Nuremberg Code and NB’s Health Charter of Rights and Responsibilities Act . [1]
Do you recognize the significance of this legislation?
The fact is Bill 11 flagrantly violates the right of informed consent, eliminates the right of parents to make medical decisions for their children, violates medical privacy, and denies bodily sovereignty and personal autonomy.
Why this movement toward medical tyranny is of particular concern to school trustees, superintendents, principals and teachers is because in each case governments use the threat of denying children a public education as the means to coerce families to accept an invasive medical technology that carries the risk of permanent injury and death.
The injection of complex biochemical drugs is a private matter between the parents and their physician and should never be imposed on children in the school setting.  The very real consequence is that a parent must either comply with the “recommended” medical procedure and act against their wishes and considered wisdom, or be denied a public education for their children, a right guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Our children should never be denied their right to a public education.

The reality is that this is not a medical issue. This is a human rights issue. This is conceivably the most important human rights issue in the history of mankind. The impact of these human rights violations have the potential to affect every human on the planet. The vaccine industry is actively committed to removing our right to say ‘no’ to unwanted medical interventions that carry the risk of permanent injury and death. This, by an industry that carries no legal or financial liability for the harm, injury and death caused by their products.
Medical ethics are clear: No one should be forced to undergo a medical treatment without informed consent and without their agreement to the treatment. We condemn the forced sterilization of the ’20s and ’30s, the Tuskegee medical experiments infecting black inmates and the Nazi medicine that included involuntary “Euthanasia,” experimentation and sterilization. How can we force vaccination without consent? Vaccination is a medical treatment with risks including death. It is totally antithetical to all ethics in medicine to mandate that risk to others.
Included in this document is an overview of information pertinent to this issue and links to allow you a deeper investigation. It is our hope and expectation that you will familiarize yourself with these issues and their very real implications and become a strong advocate and protector of our rights and freedoms so that all children can enjoy a public education.
Vaccine Choice Canada is a community of families who have experienced vaccine injury personally, including permanent disability and death. Our experiences have awakened us to the real threats we face as a society. We are aware that if we do nothing, our rights, freedoms and sovereignty will most certainly be lost.
Thank you for your careful consideration of this information. We need to restore a spirit of civil debate to these issues based on evidence, science, and respect for human rights. We need to take financial interests out of public health and mandates out of medicine.
We are available to discuss any of this with you at your convenience. Feel free to contact VCC with your questions.
Vaccine Choice Canada

“Unless we change our direction,
We will end up where we are headed.”

There Is No Medical Crisis
The for-profit medical industry would have us believe that vaccine mandates and the infringement of our Charter rights and freedoms are necessary based on a medical crisis. There is no medical crisis in Canada that justifies the loss of our precious rights and freedoms.
The argument being presented is that we are experiencing a “measles epidemic” because of “vaccine hesitant parents.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that 111 cases of measles in 2019 in a population of 37 million, with no permanent injury or death is not a medical crisis. Quite simply, based upon the level of risk to Canadians experiencing measles, there is no medical justification to impose more than 70 doses of 17 different vaccines by age 18.
Current medical research confirms that the recent measles outbreaks are a result of vaccine failure and not a failure to vaccinate.[2] The “measles epidemic” is a manufactured crisis that is being used to scare and coerce Canadians into indiscriminate vaccination and to marginalize those who question vaccine ideology, safety, effectiveness and necessity.
If the risk is really about measles, the NB government would be developing health policies focused on measles and measles alone. Instead we are seeing broad attacks on the basic human right of free, prior and informed consent. The NB government is using fear of measles to force parents to accept the entire, liability-free vaccine program, not just measles vaccines. Measles outbreaks are the Trojan Horse the medical industry is using to sell a bloated vaccination schedule, an uncontrolled experiment performed on entire generations of children.
Challenging Government Violations
Our goal at Vaccine Choice Canada is to awaken legislators, school trustees, superintendents, principals and teachers before these human rights violations become normalized and entrenched. In our effort to bring awareness to these systemic violations of our rights and freedoms, Vaccine Choice Canada has initiated several actions that target governments that are in violation of our legal and humanitarian rights.

  1. Legal Challenge Against the Ontario Government

The Ontario government has been violating rights and freedoms through the use of vaccine mandates for 37 years. The addition of mandatory vaccine education sessions and compelled speech affidavits are more recent Constitutional violations. Families across Canada have decided that enough is enough. It is time to take action and stand up for our rights and freedoms. On October 24, 2019 Vaccine Choice Canada launched a formal legal challenge against the government of Ontario.

A description of our legal action and a copy of the Statement of Claim for this Constitutional challenge can be found at:

  1. Legal Opinion – BC’s Regulation 376

We have also secured a legal opinion from a Canadian Constitutional Law Specialist on the new Regulations in British Columbia, which is relevant to the draconian measures being proposed in NB. Our Constitutional specialist states:

The new Regulations, in concert and through ss.107 and 108 of the Public Health Act, impose draconian measures, as well as monetary fines of up to $200,000.00 and up to six (6) months in jail, and flagrantly violate:

(a) a person’s freedom of conscience and belief contrary to s.2 of the Charter;

(b) a person’s freedom and security of the person to their physical and psychological integrity, over the control and decisions over their own body, contrary to s. 7 of the Charter, with a law that is “overly broad”, which is contrary to the tenets of fundamental justice under s.7 of the Charter, in not allowing for any personal or individual exemptions;

(c) violates the right to equal treatment under the law, contrary to s.15 of the Charter, in that the Regulations and Act do not apply to Indigenous persons, which clearly vitiates the validity and valid objective of the law with respect to its purported purpose.”

This legal opinion of BC’s Regulation 376 can be reviewed at:

  1. Consent or Coercion

Vaccine Choice Canada produced a 20 page document entitled: Consent or Coercion, which clearly outlines our concerns with coerced vaccination. A copy was recently delivered to every member of the Legislative Assemblies of British Columbia, Ontario and New Brunswick.

Politicians who have read the document acknowledge that they were unaware of the considerable information we provided about vaccine safety, effectiveness and the associated decline in the health of children. We encourage every school official to review this document and familiarize themselves with our concerns.

A copy of Consent or Coercion can be found at:

  1. Legal Opinion – New Brunswick Bill 39

Vaccine Choice Canada secured a legal opinion on New Brunswick’s Bill 39. The document – A Threat to Liberty and Bodily Autonomy: Compelling Individuals to Choose Between Vaccinations and Public Education Submissions on Bill 39: An Act Respecting Proof of Immunization Brief to the Standing Committee on Law Amendments can be found at:

  1. New Brunswick Committee on Law Amendments

Vaccine Choice Canada made a formal submission to NB’s Committee on Law Amendments. A link to the VCC Presentation can be found at:

A Global Agenda
The fact is the pharmaceutical industry has a global agenda to impose their vaccine ideology on every man, woman and child world-wide.  What is happening in Canada is occurring in every major country in the world. This was verified at the recent International Conference on Informed Consent held in Israel on November 21, 2019.[3]
Children are the initial target of this ideology. However, the declared intention of the World Health Organization is to impose a rigorous vaccination schedule on every person on the planet.  Eventually employment, travel, government benefits, a driver’s licence, even medical treatment will all be dependent upon conforming to a corporate imposed vaccination schedule. This is already happening in Argentina and elsewhere.
These violations and subjugation are occurring without any substantive public debate or scientifically verified evidence of safety, effectiveness or necessity.
Concerned families who have experienced vaccine injury in their loved ones and who question the claims of the vaccine industry by demanding independent, scientifically verified evidence are routinely demeaned, dismissed, marginalized, oppressed and pejoratively labeled as ‘anti-vaxxers’ and worse. Even more disconcerting is that this oppression is occurring in our schools.
School Officials are Complicit in this Oppression
We have no doubt that most trustees and education officials are well intended and believe that they are doing the “right thing” by encouraging/coercing students to vaccinate. Unfortunately, most have accepted the promise that vaccines are universally “safe and effective” without any real investigation of the evidence and assume that someone has done the necessary scrutiny of these claims. These claims, which have never been scientifically verified with long-term, placebo controlled clinical testing, comes at a huge cost – the loss of individual rights, liberty and sovereignty, and the loss of the health and education of our children.
The Science Is Not Settled
The fact is we don’t know the safety of the current vaccination program because the science has not been done to the level that would support this conclusion. This is not our opinion but rather the finding of the Institute of Medicine which found that the safety of the current childhood vaccine schedule has never been proven in large, long-term clinical trials.[4]  They state:

“Few studies have attempted more global assessment of entire sequences of immunizations or variations in the overall immunization schedule and categories of health outcomes, and . . . none has compared entirely unimmunized populations with those fully immunized for the health outcomes of concern to stakeholders.”

In 2011 the Institute of Medicine reviewed 155 health conditions associated with the Varicella, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and MMR vaccines. In only 5 cases did the scientific evidence reject causation. In 134 cases the IOM deemed that there were too few scientifically sound studies published in the medical literature to determine whether more than 100 serious brain and immune system problems are or are not caused by the vaccines, including multiple sclerosis, arthritis, lupus, stroke, SIDS, autism and asthma.[5]
The Real Epidemic
School trustees, superintendents, principals and teachers ought to be more aware than most of the real epidemic facing our children today. The reality is that there is an epidemic of children experiencing ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, mental illness, cancer, asthma, life threatening allergies and other neurological and immunological disorders which were unheard of in children just a few generations ago.
One only needs to witness the dramatic increase in the demand for special education and mental health services in schools to see the real crisis that we face. Teachers are faced with increasingly disruptive and violent behavior in young students. More and more schools are challenged with children who are “unteachable.” This results in increased use of “quiet rooms” and suspensions – ineffectual and desperate attempts to deal with chaotic classrooms and the epidemic numbers of children with an impaired capacity to learn.
There is irrefutable scientific evidence that vaccine ingredients such as the Aluminum adjuvant, which is present in many vaccines, is linked to long-term brain inflammation that can cause life-long brain injury, mental illnesses, seizures/epilepsy, learning and memory impairment, ADHD, social and speech impairment, compulsive behaviours and schizophrenia. Continuous and repeated immune system provocation which results in inflammation in the formative years of life can seriously disrupt the normal course of brain development. [6]
In the last 25 years we have witnessed huge increases in the following childhood conditions:

  • Autism – increased more than one thousand-fold in less than a generation; autism spectrum disorders now affects more than 1 in 66 children and 1 in 42 boys in Canada.
  • Impact on Development – Over 27% of Canadian children fall short on at least one measure of physical, emotional or cognitive development by age 5.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – 1 in 10 children
  • Learning Disability – 1 in 6 children affected
  • Severe Mood Dysregulation – 1 in 30 children affected
  • Allergies – increased 6X since 1980
  • Anaphylactic Food Allergies – doubled in the last decade
  • Eczema – 1 in 5 children affected
  • Asthma – 1 in 8 children affected
  • Obesity – tripled since 1980; 25% of Canadian children overweight/obese
  • Juvenile Diabetes – more than 100% increase since 1980
  • Childhood Cancer – dramatic increase

The declining health of our children was confirmed in the ‘Raising Canada’ report  issued by the O’Brien Institute for Public Health in 2018. [7]  They state that today’s children are significantly less healthy than previous generations. At the same time Canadian children are among the most vaccinated children in the world. Since 1980 the Canadian vaccine schedule has more than tripled the number of vaccines given. Children in Canada who follow the recommended vaccination schedule can receive as many as 71 vaccine doses by age 18.
Nowhere in this growing epidemic are questions being asked and answers being demanded. Instead we have increasing efforts at coerced consent obtained by intimidation, which is no consent at all, and the silencing of any question, debate or criticism.
How You Can Help

  1. Refuse to Participate in the Coercion

School superintendents, trustees, principals and teachers are in a unique position to assist with ending this medical tyranny and stopping the growth of an authoritarian state. This is because the blunt instrument being used to enforce this coercion is the threat of denying children a public education. Should schools refuse to participate in this violation of our rights and freedoms, the medical cartel would lose one of their most powerful tools of coercion.
The fact is all children are guaranteed the right to a public education in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We are simply asking you to enforce our Charter right to a public education for our children.

  1. End the Marketing of Vaccine Products in NB Schools

The second way to assist in ending this medical tyranny is to eliminate the use of educational materials in schools that are intentionally designed to promote the sale of pharmaceutical products. These include:

  • I Boost Immunity (Act Locally. Immunize Globally) [8], sponsored by London Drugs and Pharmasave
  • Kids Boost Immunity [9]
  • Teacher’s Kit: Integrating Immunization Education into the Grade 6 Curriculum[10]

Pharmaceutical industry information about vaccines has become an integral part of children’s experience in the school setting. As a result, our children are being coerced to participate in vaccination as part of their learning curriculum. This needs to stop.
It is a violation of NB education standards to subject children in the school setting to marketing campaigns for any industry’s products.
Schools are meant for learning reliable and factually supported information – not places where children are targeted with advertisements of any kind, and especially not those which offer an incomplete and inaccurate representation of a product. The reality is that no information is being provided to students about the risk of vaccine injury and death and their legal and ethical right to informed consent, which also means the right to refuse vaccines.
We ask that you to take a strong stand and terminate this unethical marketing of pharmaceutical products within NB’s school system.

  1. End Vaccination Clinics in the School Setting

The third way to assist in ending this medical tyranny is to refuse to permit vaccination clinics in school settings. The reality is that the Mature Minor Doctrine is being aggressively utilized to coerce students as young as ten years of age in school settings to partake in the complex medical practice of vaccination without the knowledge or consent of the parents.
Vaccination clinics in schools are an intentional and unethical means to violate a parent’s right to make medical decisions for their children.
Further, it is reported that parents are no longer being informed about scheduled vaccination clinics held in schools. This removes the right of parents to keep their children at home on vaccination clinic days. This is seen by many as an intentional effort to undermine parental consent, increase pharmaceutical product sales and vaccination compliance rates. These actions are making our schools unsafe places for parents and children.
This action is especially egregious given the World Health Organization is of the opinion that children who are in attendance at school on vaccination days are “implied to have given consent” to being vaccinated. Not informing parents of scheduled school vaccine clinics is a clear violation of the ethical and legal right to informed consent and violates parents’ Charter rights to determine what is best for their children.
Vaccinating children without the knowledge or consent of parents is both dangerous and unethical in that vaccine providers in schools do not have full knowledge of the medical histories of the children and their families. For some children, a vaccination given when medically contra-indicated can result in serious injury or death of that child. Add to this concern is the fact that neither the vaccine manufacturers nor the medical professionals administering the vaccines are held legally or financially liable when vaccine injury and death occurs. Vaccines should only be given by qualified professionals who know the medical history of the individual and the family.
We are also aware that students whose families have chosen to decline one or more vaccines are being threatened and coerced by school personnel including principals and teachers, as well as by public health nurses. Serious incidents of bullying and shaming have been reported by parents. Some teachers are reported to have made statements in their classrooms including the notions that children who are not fully vaccinated have “parents who do not love them,” that students “must be vaccinated to get  jobs,” and that “friends and classmates could die if everyone is not vaccinated.” Vaccine providers in school vaccination clinics have been reported to use fear mongering, threats, segregation and other means of coercion and intimidation in their goal of achieving vaccination compliance.
It is the position of Vaccine Choice Canada that it is dangerous and unethical to hold school-based vaccination clinics and that the Mature Minor Doctrine should not apply to vaccination for the following reasons:

  1. Pre-screening to identify individuals who may be at increased susceptibility to vaccine injury and death does not occur in Canada.
  2. The medical industry has invested inadequate effort to identify those individuals who may have increased susceptibility to vaccine injury or death.
  3. Policies to administer vaccines to underage children in schools without the knowledge or consent of the parents have inadequate safety protocols to fully consider the personal and family medical history prior to vaccination.
  4. This failure to fully consider personal and family medical history puts these youth at increased risk of vaccine injury.

We ask you to recognize that the school setting is not a safe and appropriate place for medical procedures to be conducted. Please advise your board to reach out to the Premier, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education to end this very serious and potentially life-threatening practice.
We invite School Superintendents, Trustees, Principals and Teachers to Consider these Actions:

  1. Become vaccine educated. Ask questions about vaccine safety, effectiveness and necessity.
  2. Demand scientifically-based evidence of all claims of safety, effectiveness and necessity.
  3. Be an advocate for public education for all children.
  4. Decline to host vaccination clinics in school settings.
  5. Instruct students on their right to informed consent. Include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Nuremberg Code and the provincial health act in the curriculum.
  6. Provide students with vaccine product monographs, including vaccine ingredients. Teach students how to read and understand this information and how to evaluate risk vs benefit.
  7. Encourage students to question. Teach students how to recognize ‘manufactured consent’.
  8. Recommit to humanitarian principles including informed consent, security of the person and bodily sovereignty.
  9. Take a firm stance against censorship and coercion. Create a forum where vaccine safety, effectiveness and necessity can be discussed and debated respectfully.
  10. Commit to making schools safe places for families exercising their legal and moral right to informed consent.

“Like any other medical treatment,
the right to choose does not belong to the state;
it belongs to the individual in consultation with their physician.”

– Rocco Galati, October 29, 2019

[7] Raising_Canada_2018.pdf

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